Tuesday, January 06, 2009

I'm Sick, Ernie!

Not the way to start the new year.

I helped Meredith work the Columbus Bride show this weekend, which was a smashing success for her new company. My training took a backseat for the weekend, which was fine. But now?

Coach has prohibited me from training until I'm "sparky", so this week is sort of a dud. Here's hoping for a quick recovery so I can get back on track! Other than these issues, the training is going well. I've got a bit of a twinge in my shoulder, so maybe I'll do some PT exercises and ice it down while I'm out of commission.


Michelle said...

Sounds like a good plan for your "time off". hope you're feeling better soon and back on track! (pardon the sort-of pun.)

Formulaic said...

Rest up. And rest hard. No sneaking in a quick run to "blow out the pipes"

If coach says easy, then EASY!

She knows!

Get better soon