Wednesday, January 21, 2009

T-Minus 5 Months

Happy 2009! The days are getting longer, it's (theoretically) going to get warmer soon...right? Also, happy birthday to my Mom today!

Biggest Challenge This Month:

My headcase of a mind. I don't know if it's because I'm now past the length of a marathon training schedule, the cold, or what, but it's been hard to focus for the last few weeks. I've kept the missed workouts fairly low, but that doesn't mean I've been excited to get on the treadmill or trainer.

I've also started having some issues with my shoulder. These are nothing new, but have been in control for the last couple years. It's just irritation as the tendons cross over, common in swimmers, tennis players, and anyone who swings their arm overhead a lot. To combat this, I've begun to modify my stroke a bit. From what I read, 80% of the strain on one's shoulder is during entry and recovery, and only 20% during pull. So, I now leave my thumb up during the first two, and only rotate it over to catch the water during my pull. Seems to be working pretty well so far - a couple weeks ago, I thought I was going to have to take some significant time off in the pool, and now the worst it's been is a dull ache from time to time.

Biggest Success This Month:

Let's see. I cracked three hours on the trainer (thank you, "Batman Begins"). The time went by pretty fast, but I was really tired at the end of it. Coach assures me that it will be easier outside on the roads. That's good, because I definitely could not have done two of those and then a marathon that day.

I also have continued to improve my swimming. My last timed swim came in at 1:52/100 over 1000m. I had hoped for a little better, but it wasn't supposed to be an all-out test; rather, it was a race pace swim. Since I don't yet have a race pace, I just picked a speed somewhere beyond easy, but not quite hard, and stuck with it. I actually have another swim test today (3x300), so we'll see how that goes!

How I Feel About Training:

Like I said, the indoor stuff is starting to grind on me. What's keeping me going right now is the continued improvement, and the hope that winter will someday end.

How I Feel About The Race:

Yikes! Now that it's 2009, it seems like it's on top of me. I have to keep reminding myself that there's still 5 months to train and improve. That's more than I'd spend training for a marathon from scratch, and I certainly have a nice base built up now.

What's Next?

Coach just approved my participation in the Lifetime Fitness Indoor Triathlon on February 22 and/or March 22. Rather than by distance, you're scored by your ranking in each sport. It seems to reward balanced athletes, since even if you beat the field by 5 miles in the run, you'd only get one more point than the second place guy. The event is a 10 minute swim, 30 minute bike, and 20 minute run.

I'm also supposed to find a "warm up" Half Ironman race in the spring, but haven't done so yet.

5 Months Out Theme Song:

"A Flowery Song", Five Iron Frenzy. It's physically impossible not to tap your foot or run along to this song. (Seriously. Scientific studies prove it.) Time to make sure it's on the old iPod!

1 comment:

Formulaic said...

If you're still looking for a mid spring race, I know of one. ;)

Come on, it's VEGAS! A little business with pleasure!

They are offering good deals, plus you get to meet Stef another one of Liz's athletes.