Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Dave's Foolproof 12 Step Program For Successful Flip Turns

Normally a $19.95 value, but free for my readers!

  1. Swim across the pool using your favorite stroke.
  2. When approaching the wall, make sure to get a deep breath.
  3. Take one more breath, just to be sure.
  4. Seriously, one last breath.
  5. Put both arms back and duck your head.
  6. Use your abs to pull your head down and around. Ideally, it should be below the rest of your body at some point.
  7. Push off the wall if you happen to be close enough. (Optional)
  8. Get at least one hand (preferably two) on the floor of the pool to steer. As you get better at this, try keeping your hands out in streamline position. This will allow you to use your chest/belly on the floor instead.
  9. Spin over so you're right side up. Bonus points if you can do a full barrel roll.
  10. While gliding off the wall, count the lane lines to make sure you're still in the same lane.
  11. Apologize to neighbor for intruding on their lane.
  12. Duck the rope, blow the water out that went up your nose, take a big breath, and continue.

Repeat as necessary!


Michelle said...

ha! I'm impressed that anyone can do those. (I'm not much of an athlete . . . ;-)


Which explains why I'm a big fan of the "touch and turn" technique.

Mer! said...

Laughing......especially the use of one hand to guide yourself off the bottom of the pool!! I've always loved flip turns, but i've been doing them forever...what I do is actually use one of my arms to propel me through the turn. So, as I approach the wall, I take my right arm, pull hard and I flip!!...by using your arm you alleviate stress on your neck...i've tried it your way and ended up with neck issues =0