Monday, June 12, 2006

Like Pulling Teeth

Quite literally.

This Wednesday, I get to have all four of my wisdom teeth removed. Anyone out there have horror stories (or even better, "it's not so bad" stories) I should hear?

Got a bunch of other stuff to catch up on as well. I had a novice fencing tournament a couple weeks ago. Unfortunately, only three people showed for my division, but I did finish in second place. I missed out on the gold medal by one touch, losing the final bout 15-14.

Also have some new pictures around the house to show, but those will have to wait for now.


Unknown said...

no experience here...but what i suggest you DON'T do is pick up confusing, psychadelic movies to watch as you recover. well...then again, maybe Pink Floyd's The Wall would actually make sense.

Anonymous said...

I had all four of mine taken out at the same time. You will be pretty much out of it the first day. You'll only wake up for the pain med. Hopefully, MJ will be a great wife and make sure you take them on time. Don't wait till you are in agony (the first day) stay a step ahead of the pain. Also, don't dehydrate. Make sure you sip on something as much possible. I didn't and paid dearly for it. You will swell and look stupid. MJ will take pictures and laugh. Its all good. Ha!

Anonymous said...

My experience was long ago, but you are smart to have it done all at once. Just get it over with.... Plan to sleep and take your medicine before you REALLY need it and you'll be happily surprised when you feel like doing something. When you want something hot, think cream soups, mashed potatoes, etc. If cold sounds better try pudding, and, as always, ice cream! We'll be thinking of you!