Monday, March 23, 2009

T-Minus 3 Months

Under 100 days to go now. Yikes!

Biggest Challenge This Month:

The bike miles! I'm pretty confident that once I get to the run, I'll be able to finish. Even on a bad day, I think I can drag myself through 26 miles. But ramping up the bike time has been a whole new challenge. I think 3 hours is sort of my limit of being comfortable right now, but I'll be working to change that.

Biggest Success This Month:

Health, maybe? Even with the increased mileage, I've only missed a couple workouts this month. One was due to a sore knee after a long ride, and the other because I had to work some really long hours last week at times.

I also put in a 3:45 outdoor ride, with the first half uphill and generally into a decent headwind. At the time, that was my longest ride, and by far the most challenging one I'd done. The feeling of turning around after struggling along at 13 mph for an hour and suddenly going 23 is a nice one! It's also sort of fun to see the course map from the Garmin zoomed out so far to show the whole thing! The only bad thing about the ride was that when I mapped out my course, I picked a small airport as my turnaround. I finally got to the road that led to it...and it was gravel. Not just chip seal, gravel on dirt. So my ride was a few miles short. :)

How I Feel About Training:

Like I want the race to be here! (No, I don't. Not yet. Forget I said that.) Still enjoying it, but it's getting hard to fit everything in sometimes. I'm thinking I'll be doing some less time-intensive training for a while post-Ironman.

How I Feel About The Race:

Confident about the swim. Feeling pretty good about the run. And I think I can get through the bike. That's definitely the order of confidence.

What's Next?

A big training weekend with coach (okay, it's technically already done, but it wasn't during this month, and I'll blog about it next). Then it's time to continue ramping up the miles!

3 Months Out Theme Song:

I was introduced to this one by my wife this month. Yes, I know it isn't actually a 3. But it has one, just with a bunch of zeroes after it. :) Plus, I like to think the tempo will match the bike course - uphill for a while, then down down down! (Hopefully, I navigate it a bit more successfully than the driver)


Molly said...

Exciting stuff! I didn't realize you were doing CDA until Liz's blog post. I will be there to cheer for a bunch of friends so I'll see ya there!

Doris said...

Sounds like a good summary - and good progress! Keep it up!