Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Hills

Sorry Meredith, it's not about the show (or the program).

This week is the start of month two in my training plan for Muncie. Now that a base has been established, I get to start doing some more intense sessions. Today was the first "hill" ride, though it was actually inside on the trainer.

Now, I've only been on the new bike a couple times, but it's seriously uncomfortable in the seat area. I hope that's something that goes away as you get used to it, because I'm not sure I could take it for eight hours of riding. I was actually looking forward to the hill intervals today, because the added resistance meant taking pressure off the seat.

Any bikers out there that can offer me hope for what I've got, or should I be looking at a different seat?

1 comment:

Unknown said...


on both counts.

your butt will get used to being in the saddle the longer you spend in the saddle. use copious amounts of body glide or butt butter if you need to. a good pair of shorts makes a big difference, too.

the seat may not be good for your body/what you're doing. is it a tri specific seat? if you're not in the aero position, a tri seat might not feel as comfortable as it should.

i really respect rudi's (www.randomduck.com) and bill's (runmystic.jankowskis.net) opinion on cycling related topics. they have a wealth of information that i'm sure they'd be willing to bore you with. ;)